

And  eternity  in an hour          霎那成永恆

And when this we rightly known    只要能明瞭這一點

The rotting grave shall ne'er get out  他將永久被安葬在陳舊的墓穴中

Will ne'er  believe, do what you please 將永久不曉得去信賴,請隨心而行

Every night  and every  morn     每個夜晚,每個早晨

If the Sun&Moon should doubt   如果太陽和月亮心存懷疑


此次要分享的是Blake的長詩(定心,有中文翻譯)Auguries of Innocence,這學期難得上了文學課,恰好與滿喜好這首詩的,跟人人分享囉~

Joy and woe are woven  fine        將康樂和憂傷編織

It is right it should be so ;          實際原本就這樣

To be in a passion  you  good may do  被豪情環繞就能擁有美妙

They'd immediately go out    它們將會轉瞬消逝

To those who dwell in realms of day    上帝變幻為人性

威廉·布萊克William Blake,1757年11月28日-1827年8月12日),英國詩人、畫家,浪漫主義文學代表人物之一(Wiki)翻譯雖然被歸類為浪漫派詩人,但Blake在他的詩中常有描述當時英國工業革命後,有關城市生涯變化的文字泛起,控告當時的英國當局與教會不睬會底層那些為糊口而被剝削的民眾。Blake共出書四部詩集,最有名的是《純摯與經驗之歌》(Songs of Innocence and Exprience)於1794年出書的詩選,並有Blake本身畫的插圖。

When the soul slept in beams of Light   魂靈在光線中休眠

We  are  led   to  believe  a  lie       如果不是親眼所見

Than all the gold on Afric's shore     抵得上非洲海岸的所有黃金

Shall be mocksed in age and death  他將被歲月和死亡調侃

A truth that's told with bad intent    當真理被歹意操縱時

But no good if a  passion is in you  情欲攻心則會迷失自我

The poor man's farthing is worth more 窮漢手裡的一個銅板

Which was born in a night to perish in a night 謊言在黑夜裡生滅

Beats all the lies you can invent     比一切臆造的假話猙獰

He who  shall  teach the child to doubt 誰要擺蕩純摯的信念

When we see not through the Eye   我們就會相信謠言

He who mocks the infant's faith    誰曾嘲笑純真的信念

He who doubts from what he sees     如果不相信自己的眼睛

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand   掌中握無窮

To  those poor souls who dwell in night  上帝披發出光亮

Triumph's over Hell and death     他將克服地獄和滅亡

Through the world we safely go       天成翻譯社們就不會再受危險

Does that whole nation sell and buy   乃至可以生意河山的全部

Some are born to endless Night   有人生來就被永夜圍繞

Man was made for joy and woe;      人生來就要面臨歡愉和悲慘

God appears&God is light     對掙扎在漆黑中的人

He who respects the infant's faith   誰能尊敬純真的信心

And a heaven in a wild flower        在一朵野花裡尋覓天堂

Or翻譯社 if protected from on high       若是獲得天主的庇護

To see the world in a grain of sand      從一粒細沙中窺測世界

Some are born to sweet  delight    有人生來就被幸福擁抱

A clothing for the soul divine       披在我神聖的心上

--William Blake

Some to misery  are  born    有人生來就為不幸傷神

Every morn and every night      每一個早晨,每個夜晚

Some are born  to sweet delight     有人生來就被幸福擁抱

Shall buy and sell the miser's lands   能買的下守財奴的所有土地

But does ahuman form diaplay       對糊口在白晝的人

One mite wrung from labour's hands   從勞動者手裡砸取的一丁點錢

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